Zumba Kids®
Training aimed at providing children with maximum fun and fitness at the same time. It is a combination of the basic steps of Latin American dances.
Zumba Kids classes last 50 minutes. First, a warm-up to prepare the muscles and the whole body well for further exercise. Children like this do not like monotony, so special games are prepared for them.

Thanks to Zumba kids®, in a short time, children can not only have a healthy time, but also learn new dance patterns, dances of different cultures and their history. Zumba kids® promotes a healthy lifestyle, teaches respect for others, trust, responsibility, creativity, discipline and teamwork.
In addition to having fun and hobbies, Zumba Kids can be a great way to break down internal barriers in children.
Much is said about the fact that schoolchildren devote less and less time to physical activity, while the hours free from educational activities are devoted to watching TV, contact with a computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.

Thanks to Zumba Kids, small participants have the opportunity to enter the world of great fun, music and energizing atmosphere that prevails during the classes!
Preschool and early school age is the beginning of a passion, Zumba Kids is just about to initiate a passion that may become a lifestyle in the future.
During exercises of the Zumba Kids® type, the motor and eye-hand coordination are significantly improved, which are necessary for children entering school to read, write and count correctly.
If any question feel free to call or text me